Beauty Tips

Beauty and skin care is extremely simple, mastering the basic beauty tips is the first step to learning beauty and skin care. Although numerous women take care of their skin every day, what they don't understand is that they are wrong in numerous ways. Today, jade roller factory Xiaobian will explain seven daily beauty tips to you.

1. How to maintain facial skin?

Wash your face alternately with warm and cool water, and apply your face with moisturizer after drying. It can make your face white and smooth. It is best to go to the beauty salon regularly to do facial cleaning work, carefully wash your face and open pores.

2, how do you wash your face properly?

Use less soap when washing your face, alternately wash your face with hot and cold water, from the outside inside, from the bottom up, the action should be gentle, for a long time to make you youthful and handsome.

3, what is the right way to brush your teeth?

Brush once in the morning and once before bed. Brush your teeth up, down, inside and out. Brush the upper teeth from the top down, brush the lower teeth from the bottom up, along the teeth. Brush the occlusal surface of the teeth extremely carefully. ​The toothbrush head should be short, soft and tough.

4, girl face long hair what to do?

Look for genetic or internal causes, treatment drugs. In a small area, electrolysis can be used to remove the skin, or bright cream can be applied.

5. What should you pay attention to with glycerin?

Pure glycerin can not be directly applied to the skin, so it is necessary to know whether it is aqueous glycerin or pure glycerin before using glycerin. If it is pure glycerin, it is necessary to add 20% water and then use it, otherwise it will make the skin more dry and cause burns.

6. Which foods are nutritious for hair?

Hair is mostly made of keratin, which is abundant in minerals. To absorb additional minerals, there should be a variety of food, not partial food. Staple food and non-staple food should be correctly matched. Eat additional liver, eggs, kelp and tea, can also increase minerals, and hair fitness.

7. How to Prevent acne?

Girls with acne should not use oily cosmetics, do not wash your face with alkaline soap. Apply acne cream after washing your face every day. Three times, if the drug is also taken internally, the effect is better.

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