3 thoughts on “Which constellation female stars have fairy models”

  1. Girls in Cancer: Liu Tao
    Aju in "Tianlong Babu", a girl who has a sensation in China and grabbed the front -line actress in China. Liu Tao played Bai Suzhen in "Seeing White Lady again", and Liu Tao has been classified as a column of Sister Fairy since then.

    This is a fantasy innocent and warm woman. Your senses wake up only when you touch the window of imagination. It is a "girl" that is always young, and often has a hazy consciousness deeply. You are very fond of, but often don't know who is really intoxicated. When people trust you, you are full of tenderness, humor and poetry. However, your sensitive nerves will be out of control, and dissatisfaction and grievances are accumulated in silence.

    Leo girls: Li Ruotong
    representative work "The Condor Heroes"

    although Li Ruotong's little dragon girl is not the earliest version, it is the most classic version, then The proud temperament and the elegant appearance of the immortal are really charming, and they are not dare to get close. No matter how many little dragon girls in the future, she will always be the most classic version. Perhaps the little dragon girl she played is the ancestor of the codename of the fairy sister.

    The women in Leo's women's natural romance, generosity, and like high tastes. She only needs to live in the best. She is definitely her master, and her words and deeds also show their style, dramatic and brilliant glory. She likes magical things, and often uses magnificent behaviors to create wonders.

    Girls in the virgin: Yang Mi
    Guo Xiang in the version of "The Condor Heroes", or Nie Xiaoqian in "Liao Zhai", lovely girls always love.

    The woman in Virgo has a lot of worry. She is cautious and not easy to see her dream. She is very strict regardless of everything, but it can also be said to be picky, but this is the characteristic of all Virgo. She has a cleanliness, and she will pay attention to cleanliness and sanitary habits, with positioning, regular quantitative and the like. She doesn't like emotional development too fast. She will feel that too passion is nausea and unrealistic. She thinks that feelings must be slowly come to see true feelings. Most of the people in their seats are long -distance love, belonging to late marriage. Even if she is fascinated, she is very happy to be fond of her. She is the one that she would rather sacrifice everything and not force her lover.

    Girls in the virgin: Liu Yifei
    representative work "Tianlong Babu", Zhang Jizhong version of "The Condor Heroes"

    It is Liu Yifei. Liu Yifei did not think she was beautiful when Bai Xiuzhu, "Golden Fan Family", and felt quite tacky, but with the popularity of "Tianlong Babu", Liu Yifei looked like the so -called so -called gods. Sister, then in the Zhang version of "The Condor Heroes", interpreted the extraordinary little dragon girl, and even expressed her fresh and elegant temperament. Everyone told her that Liu Tianxian was not exaggerated. She had a very capitalized capital, and she was beautiful and pure.

    The woman in Virgo has a lot of worry. She is cautious and not easy to see her dream. She is very strict regardless of everything, but it can also be said to be picky, but this is the characteristic of all Virgo. She has a cleanliness, and she will pay attention to cleanliness and sanitary habits, with positioning, regular quantitative and the like. She doesn't like emotional development too fast. She will feel that too passion is nausea and unrealistic. She thinks that feelings must be slowly come to see true feelings. Most of the people in their seats are long -distance love, belonging to late marriage. Even if she is fascinated, she is very happy to be fond of her. She is the one that she would rather sacrifice everything and not force her lover.

    Libra girls: Big S (Xu Xiyuan)
    . After watching the Nie Xiaoqian she played, she came to a conclusion. She is more suitable for the more ordinary girl image of Shancai in "Meteor Garden" Essence

    The Libra is the highest chance of beauty. In fact, most women in Libra can have an elegant temperament. They can almost be said to be a "man" and "woman" complex. In the outside, it is always grasped with elegant and delicate femininity, and men's intelligence with rich logical concepts in mind. What's more ideal is that Libra women rarely show their popularity. They often know how to hide their intelligence in the pleasant women, and never let it stab the self -esteem of men sharply. Therefore, they are a rare partner for the same sex or the opposite sex.

    Libbing girls: Huo Siyan
    "The Seven Fairies of the World", showing the unique temperament of Huo Siyan's costume, and the reason why she is so hot in such dramas is also because of her. The ancient costumes are sometimes more arrogant, sometimes more pitiful, which can be described as changeable.

    The Libra is the highest chance of beauty. In fact, most women in Libra can have an elegant temperament. They can almost be said to be a "man" and "woman" complex. In the outside, it is always grasped with elegant and delicate femininity, and men's intelligence with rich logical concepts in mind. What's more ideal is that Libra women rarely show their popularity. They often know how to hide their intelligence in the pleasant women, and never let it stab the self -esteem of men sharply. Therefore, they are a rare partner for the same sex or the opposite sex.

    Girls in Sagittarius: Chen Hao
    In Zhu Deyong's "Astringent Girl" and changed into a change, becoming the magical and spicy star "Little Witch" in "Tianlong Babu" Zi, it is really unacceptable at once. Later, Diao Chan, who played one of the four ancient beauties in the ancient times, joked: "The big cake face is desperately squeezed into melon seeds and the face is unsuccessful."

    experience of. For her, life is a series of adventures, full of possibility of endlessness. She likes to have new things to look forward to, and she likes others, life itself and the challenge to herself.

    . She really wants to understand the meaning of life, and expand her horizons, and carry out the pattern of knowledge, people, and past. She needs to change and intellectual stimuli and like to get along with many people. She does not accept the stereotypes of gender in the concept of traditional love, and the illusion created by Roman history. Instead, she is proud of her uniqueness and persistence, and searches for her partner.

    The man who makes her feel boring or wants to restrain her never keep her. She pays too much attention to her or a man who follows her. Her ideal object must have the qualities of intelligent and openness. Those who cannot talk to her, who cannot tolerate her faith, must not be in love with her for a long time. Men who are adventurous and irritating can bring her vitality and identify each other.

    Capricorn girls: Han Xue
    Fairy Fan masterpiece Zhang Jizhong's "Journey to the West", she plays Bone Bone Essence, Zhang Jizhong's version of "Journey to the West" The bone essence is also the fairy.

    . Capricorn is very strong, but in fact, the heart is very delicate. They will save all their ideas and troubles in their hearts, and often give others a kind of thought that will not cause her thoughts. The biggest disadvantage of Capricorn women is that I often think that I have confidence in seeing through others without being seen by others. In fact, sometimes relaxing your mood will make your life more pleasant.

    . Capricorn girls are often smart. Whenever a turning point in life, there will be a lot of changes and growing rapidly. But often it becomes too perfect, but it can't breathe.

    The girl: Fan Wenfang
    "Singapore's first beauty" is not blowing. Her beauty is in temperament, beautiful in the expression, and the beauty and beauty of her eyes inadvertently Mourning, shaping the image of another temperament fairy.

    In her treasure bottle, there is not a source of happiness, but the tears she does not want to drop in front of people. You see her, laughing like a child, sometimes you think she is naive like an angel who came out of a fairy tale. However, if you have the heart, you will see the sorrow of her face lingering when she is quiet, and her eyes, so solemnly press the smell of seeing the red dust. She only releases herself only when no one is at midnight. She will not reveal her helplessness, her embarrassment, her vicissitudes in the eyes. The water in her bottle is tears that never endless. The strength you see is just the fragility she is trying to hide.

    The girl: Yan Danchen
    has also played the fairy in "Essence Foundation" and "Baolian Lantern". But I always feel that Liu Yifei's extraordinary temperament is missing.

    The girls with a very gentle and moving personality in Pisces girls. She is easy to get along, and she has an unacceptable strange charm. Pisces girls are very romantic and fantasy, and they are full of popularity in life, but they lack the ability to change. Therefore, she needs to protect it. Pisces girls like others to arrange everything for her. They are very similar to innocent and lovely children. I hope that she is the husband's palm of the palm. Hehe, the boy who sees this passage will love to protect the Pisces girls around him!

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